If the foundations are destroyed,
what can the righteous do? (Ps.11:3)
Over the years, I have read Psalm 11:3 believing that the
implied conclusion of the matter was that in this scenario “the righteous can
do nothing”. That conclusion seemed
self-evident when one tries to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to this
generation. “We are living in a post-modern culture” we are told, and so the
message of salvation has to be “modified to the times”. This position has
always troubled me, but more-so now that I’ve learned a bit more of what “pre-modern,
modern and post-modern” society actually means.
Briefly, since Christ, a pre-modern world view accepted the
Biblical narration of the world system and has generally been the world view of
most civilized societies up until the mid-1600’s.
The Modern world-view has a more skeptical view of the
Bible, and relies heavily on the “Scientific Method” an obsolete standard for
spiritual matters. This world-view cast doubt
on many Scriptural truths. Scriptures that were once considered absolutely true
began to be redefined as mythical or allegorical. The concept of “truth” itself
was loosened from its mooring suggesting that truth is “relative”. This gave
birth to the “post-modern” worldview.
The devil’s proposal “Hath God really said…?” drifted through
halls of academia like an intoxicant settling in the minds of those who now
unfortunately stand in many American pulpits. The post-modern society that we
are perceived to be living in is the fruition of the doubt cast upon the Word
of God, the casting of truth onto the ground (Dan.8:12/Is.59:14), and the
introduction of an “anything goes” mentality that confounds logic. It is a cultural and religious upsweep that
gathers all religions into one and judges the true Christian faith as divisive
and antiquated. It is this “world view”
that dominates the times that we are now living in.
While there are currently other religious beliefs that also
claim exclusivity, these are, according to Scripture, under the sway of the
spirit of this world, and will in due time, join forces against Christianity. (Dt.32:17/1Cor.10:20/1Jn.5:19)
Christian persecution is on the rise world-wide. It is the preaching of the cross of Christ and
His resurrection that offends the devil and magnifies Jesus. Calvary is an
absolute historical truth marked by the spilled blood of our Lord Jesus Christ
that is an everlasting testimony to all of creation of His victory over the
devil and his works. Those who hold a
modern or post-modern worldview cannot fully receive this truth. Although they
may ascent to this doctrine, they do not live their lives under this banner. We
are called to bear witness of the truth, not to modify it. Occasionally words
may be necessary.
The post-modern version of Jesus Christ is not the Christ of
the Bible. It is man’s attempt to reach others with the message of God’s love,
but it is powerless to save. There is no conviction of sin and there is no repentance,
the prerequisite to God’s forgiveness. Truly if the foundations be destroyed,
what can the righteous do? The remedy
to that dilemma is found in the remaining verses of this Psalm. The
Lord is in His holy temple, the Lord’s throne is in heaven, His eyes behold,
His eyelids test the sons of men, the Lord tests the righteous…For the Lord is righteous, He loves
righteousness; His countenance beholds the upright.(Ps.11:4,5,7) When we suffer through
various trials, we gain experience with the Lord and learn to trust Him. Double-mindedness
is eradicated and stabilizes us (James1:8), and we are given a new heart and
Spirit (Ez.11:19;18:31;36:26/Heb.10:16/2Cor.1:22).
Ours is to trust the Lord, pray
for discernment and walk in obedience to His Word. God will not confirm a counterfeit
Christ, molded to fit the times. He will confirm the truth (Mk.16:20). The
Lord is in His Holy Temple, and we are that Temple. (2Cor.6:16/Eph.2:19-22)
God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. Christ is in us to continue that work. (2Cor.5:19)
As we yield to Him, He will bear the fruit through us. (Jn.15:5)
“A dead Christ I must do
everything for; a living Christ does everything for me.”
Andrew Murray (1828-1917)
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