Thursday, January 17, 2013

Social Justice

The latest buzz word of our time is “Social Justice”.  It is a concept that appears to have a noble theme, the idea of taking from the well to do, and giving to those who have little, but in actuality it is born of a desire to create a peasant class and breeds nothing but envy and a sense of entitlement.  It is not “Social Justice” that Jesus speaks of when He tells us to share our bread and clothe the naked, but “Social Mercies”.  Justice implies that what is taken from those who are financially better off, and given to those who are in need, is deserved, simply by the nature of their need, regardless of their circumstances.   It is of interest that those who push social justice on the working class, are themselves extremely wealthy and could with a stroke of a pen, write off most of the world’s poverty simply by giving of their excess without hardly a notice in their standard of living.  But rather than do that, they “guilt” the working class, or in other words,  the middle class, that already is burdened by taxation to cover social entitlement programs, into thinking that they should not keep what they earn, but must give it to those who do not have through even greater taxation. They add burdens without lifting a finger themselves to offset the burdens.

Ironically, what I’ve observed is that those who wait tables for a living, tip others who wait tables better than the rich, and those who work for a living, contribute more to those who have need, than do the rich.  We have already begun to see the emergence of a two class system…the mega- rich and the poor…as the middle class is being stretched beyond measure and burdened beyond what it can bear.  But what is obvious is that our political system is now run by the mega-rich, and none can even run for office, unless they have come from wealth.  There is no consideration among these who spend millions of dollars of our hard earned money to take vacations, to entertain their friends and to give away money to other countries’ governments,  while adding burden upon burden upon the backs of the working Americans. 

It is hypocrisy when I hear politicians chastise the “rich”, when they themselves are wealthy. It is likewise hypocritical that these same politicians invent ways of keeping the poor, dependent upon a system where those who work to earn wages must support those who do not, and the wealthy politicians with their corporate sponsors skim from the top of the treasury bag for their own use, much like what Judas did.  Additionally, God does not receive the glory for their relief, nor does the working class who earned the money, but the politicians themselves.  As a result, they garner the votes from the ever increasing population of poor who have become addicted to receiving something for nothing. It is a self-perpetuating system which eventually enslaves everyone except those in political power.  This is not the Biblical model of caring for the poor among us.

The Bible states: “If a man does not work, neither shall he eat”.  How many able body men are not working simply because they are being rewarded not to? How many able body men are drunkards, and rather than seek deliverance and healing, they have their alcohol addiction labeled a handicap, and collect disability? How many “poor” are there who have an expectation that they should be taken care of by the working class, simply because they exist? How many feel entitled and therefore have absolutely no gratitude for what they do receive?  Few are thanking God, in fact, many of these expect more than they already have been given.  Some believe because of their ancestors’ slavery, certain classes of people, by virtue of their skin color, “owe” them restitution.  They never give a thought to how God uses the evil acts of men for good, as He did with Joseph, who was sold into slavery. He was then later in a position to save the entire nation of Israel from famine.  They also do not regard the historical fact that most every class of people has been enslaved at one time or another, and in fact, slavery is still rampant in this day and age. In their mioptic view of life, they remain ignorant of their sin of envy and presumption, and help further an agenda for the manipulation of the population.  

 No, social justice is not “ just” , it is the seed of envy and entitlement and is divisive of the community. Jesus said “The poor you will always have with you”.  He did not envision a time in this age where everyone lived a utopian existence.  It is not possible as long as there is sin in the world.  Where there is sin, there is selfishness, and lust, and self-centeredness.  Those who are in positions of power, will not surrender it for the sake of equality, and those who are self-centered, care nothing for the poor, but how they can take advantage of them to further their own lust for power.
Social Justice is a tool of the so called elite and the politicians to manipulate others into giving them what they earn.  If they truly cared for the poor, they would not take lavish vacations, throw lavish parties and buy luxurious items from the treasury that is collected from hard working Americans. 

 The Hollywood rich would not spend thousands of dollars to have their eyebrows plucked, or to fly here and there on a private jet, spending obscene amounts of dollars for a pair of shoes or a purse.  They will not suffer the slightest inconvenience, but will happily give a free performance if it means gleaning even more from the hardworking American worker, and give them free publicity.  How much money was gleaned from the pockets of compassionate Americans for the devastation of Haiti, and yet, none of it went to the need of the people of Haiti. They are still living in poverty and rubble. How much food was sent to Myanmar after their calamity, and rotted in the ports because of a corrupt government?  How many have been oppressed by a power intoxicated political body?

We are to put on bowels of “tender mercies”, and to be sensitive to the needs of those around us.  We are to be in prayer for those in the world who have not Jesus Christ as their Savior, so that they are in a position to be blessed of the Lord, so that they may know God personally.  Our work is not one of fixing the world’s injustice, but of pointing the way to Christ, the Great Physician.  Where there are the hungry, we are to feed them. Not through government programs, but through the church.  Where there are the naked, we are to clothe them, not through government programs, but through the various ministries that serve the poor, and in circumstances where we ourselves might be able to personally help.  Not for “justice” sake, but for “mercy” sake. We give, because God gave to us, not because anyone “deserves” it.  If a man should refuse to work, he should also be refused financial assistance so that the resources might supply for the needs of the widow and orphaned.  Sadly, these are the ones most often neglected in government programs, while these are the very ones that God has instructed us to help.

The widowed (and abandoned mother) and orphaned are prevalent in this fatherless generation, and find themselves in a predicament not usually of their own choosing.  We should do all we can to help feed, clothe and house them.  However, the Bible qualified the term “widow” by calling them “widows indeed”….suggesting that if there were family members, that they should show piety at home and supply for their need. God demonstrates that He is interested in our welfare, both for those in need, and for those who have something to give.  He desires that we be free from the bondage of poverty and free from the bondage of self-centeredness and selfishness. Social Justice does not do this. It merely takes and redistributes, so rather than deliverance from bondage, there is further bondage added.  People become enslaved to envy, greed, entitlement, and resentment.  That is the fruit of the “world’s way”.  It is divisive and perpetuates a corrupt system.  It is what has propelled atheistic and demonically inspired communism into power creating a system of the powerful so called elite ruling over the dispensable masses who serve them.  

Only Jesus Christ can save the world. We are to serve one another in reverence to Him and in observance to the Word of God.  Anyone who collects a treasury under a pretense of “Social Justice” extorting for their own agendas, will one day truly understand what “Justice” means when they stand before the only Judge of mankind and are called to give an account for what they have done. Justice without mercy is given to those who have shown no mercy…I would not want to be that person.

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