We have before us the Tree of Knowledge
with all its numerous degrees
the fruit of which still brings death
though to the eyes they please.
And yonder there, the Tree of Life
simplicity and rest,
the fruit is hidden behind the leaves
and yet, this fruit is best.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Seek and ye will Find (Mt.7:8)
The Scriptures were
given to us to understand God and to discern truth and are essential to
navigate in this life, for there are many antichrists and counterfeit
experiences. God elevates His Word, even higher than His name and we are to
study to show ourselves approved, rightly dividing the Word of God. There have
been many good teaching helps for those who desire to know God in a deeper and
more intimate way. These are helpful as is a map would be on any journey, but
these can only but lead a believer to the threshold of a deeper walk. To know the Lord intimately, is not to find
Him in a book, or a method, but by “Faith".
I first address this to the skeptic and wandering soul who struggles
with the stronghold of intellectual supremacy.
We do not taste with intellect, but with an organ designed
to interpret the stimulus, which is translated somewhere in our mind, but not
until having communicated something to the soul. We find the taste pleasant or
noxious, uplifting and sweet, or repulsive and bitter or a combination of
either. What business does intellect play but to put into works the
interpretation of our decision as to whether this is a taste we decide is good
and something to be repeated or not good and to be avoided. Even the memory of the taste has greater
prominence than intellect itself. We can never, by intellect, share what that
taste is. We can merely describe our
personal interpretation of it. We hardly
think about it until we have tasted it.
We love not with our minds, but our hearts. We do not
completely reject all thinking, but our best description of attraction to
another human being is “chemistry”, an unseen but well understood
phenomena. This chemistry cannot be
generated, it merely is acknowledged to be present or lacking. We can, using
our intellect, talk ourselves out of investing in a relationship, but that is
not until there is a consideration of the factors involved. We become aware
that there is a power of our heart that draws us into a controversy within
ourselves. Until that phenomenon is experienced, it can hardly be explained.
We see with our eyes, but it is not until we see a thing, that
we engage the intellect to interpret for us what we are looking at. We touch,
and again if we had never touched, we would not have the experience to engage
the intellect to interpret the sensation of the touch. Our memory dictates to the
intellect, and intellect makes a determination, a determination which may not
be accurate. Something such as fur may appear to be soft and decided upon by
the intellect to be soft by prior experience and sensation, but in reality, it
may have been sprayed with shellac and is quite stiff to the touch. The
intellect needs additional information if it is to be trusted.
We may hear a sound, but until we hear it, our intellect has
nothing to interpret. The same can be said about the sense of smell. Odors are
amazing triggers to memory, and yet our intellect is not yet engaged until that
memory is medicated upon.
All that is in the world that is perceptible to the senses
demonstrates what a small role “intellect” plays in the experience. Yet, many depend upon intellect to play a
major role in the unseen spiritual realm.
Without any input whatsoever, many gamble away their souls to eternal
damnation by relying entirely upon the limited ability of the intellect. They
thrust the intellect to the forefront without any input and decide that “there
is no God”. They do this without ever having taken the time to seek Him. It is like saying a fully charged battery is
dead, simply because it does nothing when you set it on a table. Until that battery is placed in a circuit of
some kind, what makes it any different from a fully expired battery?
The problem with the intellectual is that they think a true
Christian’s faith is in the thinking and consideration of imaginations and
stories. They do not consider that a
true Christian experiences God. They do not understand that there is an
imparted divine life within him, communicating with his soul and spirit that
grows stronger in time, much like the life that is hidden within a seed. One
small seed can remain lifeless and inert for years…but plant it in soul,
nurture and water it, and the hidden life becomes a tree. It is not that a Christian forsakes intellect,
but rather that he does not engage it to experience God, but only to interpret
that experience, just as all men engage intellect only following their
experiences of their five senses. The spiritual sense is just as real, but
people are born into this life spiritually dead. It is not until one is “quickened” by the
Holy Spirit of God, that he can experience anything of God.
The Scriptures declare that there is placed in the soul of
man, a glimmer of light revealing God and that experiences in our lives may
generate an inner sense of the reality of God.
In response to this revelation, those who seek God, find Him. Those who do not seek Him do not find
Him. People talk themselves out of
seeking God using an intellect that is void of any divine light. It is ironic that we cannot engage the
intellect without a sensory input in the temporal world and yet many engage the
intellect and fully trust their intellect when it comes to the world of the
unseen. That really doesn’t make much
Monday, September 16, 2013
A Contrary Wind
He saw them straining at rowing, for the wind was against them (Mark 6:48)
We live in
an environment where the “wind is against us”. We strain and try to cut through
the wind, and we just don’t get very far.
In this scene, the 12 disciples are straining, fighting to row against
the wind for most of the night. Jesus,
after staying back on shore for the first 9 hours of the night, set out walking
on the water seemingly effortlessly. In fact, He’s about to stroll on by while
they’re wrestling with the oars, barely having made any headway. When the
disciples see him, they’re terrified until He reassures them and climbs into
the boat. Once in the boat with the disciples, the wind ceases. No more
contrary wind, no more struggle, smooth sailing from then on.
Perhaps the
wind remembers the rebuke of the Lord from a previous encounter as described
earlier in this Gospel account, and behaves as soon as He is in their midst,
but it is noteworthy that the word “wind” is so often used to describe the
spiritual world. Not knowing from whence
it comes, or where it blows, but it stirs up the physical realm. The invisible wind causes the sea to
violently respond. The contrary wind
opposes the plans and agendas of the followers of Jesus. Yet, they struggle and fight against it,
exhausting themselves, while Jesus who spent the time in prayer, strolls
effortlessly by on top of the sea, unhindered and unaffected by the wind. It is as though the winds parted, and the sea
was restful wherever He planted His next step.
What if the
disciples decided earlier on to drop anchor and wait for Jesus. What if they
turned around back to where Jesus was and said “Lord, without You, we are
struggling against a contrary wind. We
have seen how the wind and waves obey You, and how compassionate You were to
all those You sent away, feeding every single one of them. We have seen You accomplish great things in a
short time, and how we are not able to do this without You. Therefore we’ve come back to ask You to get
into the boat with us.” Maybe this is
why Jesus waited on shore for so long. Perhaps He was wondering when it might
occur to them that they were powerless without Him. By the forth watch, it would appear that they were going to
continue their fruitless struggle against the contrary wind, not asking for help,
nor even praying for it, just fighting and struggling against the elements of
the invisible world in the weakness of their flesh.
One can
almost picture Jesus rolling His eyes, shaking His head as He decides He’s let
them struggle long enough and since they hadn’t called out to God to help them,
He was about to stroll on by, past them, onto the other side. Perhaps to emphasize the calm surrounding
Jesus, one might also imagine Him whistling a tune to Himself as He walked on
by. In the same way we watch a toddler
struggle to do an impossible task as He pushes our hands off insisting and saying
“I can do it myself!”, while we sigh, sit back and wait until He finally asks
for help, or gives up trying, we see Jesus taking the same approach. It wasn’t
cruelty that Jesus allowed them to exhaust themselves against a contrary wind,
it was an object lesson. We must come to
the end of ourselves sooner or later.
We can do
nothing in our own strength. There is an
invisible contrary wind blowing against us, stirring up the physical world with
its circumstances and interruptions. We
can fight against it in our strength, but it is a fruitless struggle and all
that we accomplish is exhaustion.
The Lord had commissioned them earlier to go
out two by two, proclaiming the gospel, healing the sick, and casting out
demons. He had to demonstrate to them
their utter helplessness without Jesus.
Their power depended upon Jesus.
In this stormy scene, the Scripture states that “their heart was hardened”
(Mark 6:52). Whenever we think that we did something amazing, pride rears its
ugly head and hardens our hearts. God
resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Pride must not be allowed to
enter into the work of the Gospel because it is a lie. Pride is the sin that caused Lucifer’s fall,
and it is the greatest disease to afflict mankind.
The remedy
is death, therefore we must all die and be reckoned dead to the flesh, where
pride proliferates, but alive in Christ.
We must be entirely dependent upon Jesus, living in union with Him,
abiding in Him. He must be in our boat
at all times if we are to get to the other side and if He isn’t, we must wait
and find out why that is. Jesus would never leave us, nor forsake us, but He would, for our own good, let us struggle without Him until we cry out to Him. We must seek
Him and ask Him if He is indeed sending us out, or is He calling us to “come
aside by ourselves to a deserted place to rest a while”. It is imperative that we are abiding and
sensitive to His will in this moment. We
cannot have an agenda of our own. Ours
is to surrender our agenda, and wait upon God.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Beyond the Veil
Much of the
problem that I see with the Christian church in this generation, is our myopic vision
of God. We say we believe in the Trinity, but we don’t act as if we do. We are introduced to Jesus Christ, the Son of
God, the Son of Man, and we sit gazing at His manhood. Whether or not we are distracted, we spend
little time wondering about the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the One Whom
Christ was so intent upon bringing us to.
The Holy Scriptures described the flesh of Jesus Christ as the “Veil” which hung in the temple between the people of God, and the Holy of Holies, and upon Jesus Christ’s crucifixion, this veil was torn in half, from top to bottom. This was an indisputable act of God and a visual testimony of what had just been accomplished. As the veil which hung between the people of God, and the Holy of Holies, we see this veil on the one side, mankind, and on the other side of this same veil “the Holy of Holies”. It is the type of fully man, fully divine image that is consistent with our understanding of who Jesus Christ was and is. One veil, two distinct sides….fully man, fully God.
It seems that
we then spend the rest of our days looking at the limitations of the manhood of
Christ, rather than the boundless eternity of the “Godhood” of Christ which lay
beyond the veil. The veil was torn, that we might enter in. The intention is that
we might now be clothed with the righteousness of God in Christ, and then know
the Father as intimately as Jesus Christ knows the Father. He is in the Father
and we are in Christ who is in the Father.
Christ is our means of knowing the Father, and the Holy Spirit
communicates this knowledge to our spirit.
along the way, people have forgotten about the “Father”. Back in the day of
Christ’s resurrection, the people understood the grandness of the Father. They
understood the Holiness of God, and they knew the stories of God’s divine
intervention in the lives of their ancestors.
They understood the “fear of the Lord” and lived their lives under the
banner of having been chosen by this great and Mighty albeit inapproachable
Holy God.
Who they didn’t know, was the Son of
God. They had wrong ideas of who the
Messiah was, and how He would enter into history. The Father gave faith to as many as He
called, to recognize and believe in His Son, and then many did indeed search
the Scriptures and believe in Jesus Christ.
In those early days, the Holy Spirit was neglected by those who came to
believe in Christ, but had never heard of the Holy Spirit Whom Jesus said He
would send to His followers upon His ascension.
Until they learned of Him, they did not and could not live by the power
of the Holy Spirit. They never sought the Baptism of the Holy spirit.
In this
generation and point on the timeline of history, we have come full circle. We are a people who by the grace of God, have
come to believe in the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and by the grace of God and by
means of the study of His Word, have come to some understanding of the Holy
Spirit (in varying degrees) but other than mentioning the Father in addressing
our prayers, we have not the “fear of the Lord” which is the “beginning of
wisdom”. We have not an appreciation of
His Majesty, Glory or Sovereignty. If we
did, we would not say much of what we say about God, nor have such a flippant
attitude regarding sin. We fail to fully
appreciate the Providence of God and His attention to the details of our
This is not
entirely our fault. We have learned to compartmentalize our faith in a society
that has brainwashed people that there is such a thing as “secular”. So we tread life with a secular mindset throughout
the day, where things happen seemingly haphazardly and with no rhyme nor
reason, while we only give lip service to the Sovereignty of God. We have had no idea how undermining this is
to faith. We just accept that fallacy and our experience is dampened because of
this error.
If there
were such a thing as “secular”, a so called “God-Free” zone, then we would have
no basis to trust God in this place. In
fact, God would not be God at all if one single molecule was rogue and
unmanageable. We don’t see the connection of one event to the other, so we
dismiss the events of the day and conclude with a prayer of thanksgiving that
our heads were kept above water. We
never consider that He may have sent the events our way, therefore, we fail to
learn from them. This is not the reality of this life on earth, this is the
ungodly version of it. This is living in
the enemy’s camp completely naked and ignorant.
We should thank God for His patience with us, as we trudge on in our “lack
of knowledge” by which so many are destroyed. We can thank God that He has us
in His hand, even though we seem to wander aimlessly in our ignorance or plunge
into activities of our own design, blissfully ignorant of what the Father is
doing. We have envisioned God as “out there somewhere”, when in actuality, in
Him we live and move and have our being.
We must start to pay attention and deprogram
our pattern of thinking to align with the Word of God. If God knows the number of the hairs on your
head, we have to start to understand that He knows and is in control of EVERYTHING.
I will at
some other time, address the bad things that happen in this life which seem to
reinforce the erroneous notion that there must be “secular God-free” zones.
That is a topic that will only distract from the point of this article, but is
fully explainable given the spiritual condition of this world system. Suffice it to say that all the while that the
Israelites were trudging through the desert those 40 years, being fed by manna,
being given drink from a rock, having the sea split in two in order to cross…there
was a world of the ungodly demon worshipers going on elsewhere where many “bad
things” happened. God was giving His attention to His people, and those who
joined themselves to His people in the worship of the God of all creation.
We, as the
blood bought people of God, who are joined to Christ and have the Holy Spirit
indwelling us, must gaze beyond the veil to the God side of Christ and the Father. If we fail to gaze from the “God” side of the
veil, we will not believe for the impossible.
We have allowed the limitations of our mind to define who God is. In
limiting God to our limited “concept” of Him, we have created an idol. Our minds cannot contain God, we “see through
a glass darkly”. I believe this is why God strongly warned against using carved
images and pictures of any animals, birds, sea creatures or man to assist in
our worship of Him. These things cannot
define God and only serve to exchange the truth of God for a lie. It is
offensive to God that we should gaze upon a thing of our own making, and
worship it. People may say that they are not “worshiping the thing, but the god
behind the thing”, but the Scriptures claim that the “god” of that image is a
demon…so it is little wonder that this is odious to God.
We cannot
know God apart from Christ, but Christ reveals Him to us as we abide in Him and
earnestly seek to know Him. We must know the God of the Bible, the “whole” counsel
of God. We must think upon the details
of God’s intervention on behalf of men to accomplish His purpose in history. We must think upon the goodness and severity
of God. We have the confidence of His love in Christ, but if we don’t
understand His Holiness, we will continue to make light of sin and hinder our
ability to ever know Him as He should be known. If we continue in sin, we have
reason to doubt the reality of our conversion and union with Christ. Jesus did
not have any good things to say about the “hypocrite”. If that charge is true
in our lives, we must confess it to God, repent of it, and walk in the light of
truth with integrity. He is faithful and just to forgive us…but God is not
mocked, so if we are not sincere, we are wasting our time and deceiving ourselves.
The Scriptures speak of the hypocrite being “cut in two and cast into outer
darkness” when face to face with God.
By His grace, we are saved through faith in
His Beloved Son, and in Him we are accepted.
He could have just as easily cast us off to hell with the rest of the
unpenitent and ungodly. So fear Him who has the power to cast both soul and body into hell.
But trust in Him who saved us from such a fate and continue in Him. See…the
goodness and severity of God.
Our view of
God is too small. God is greater than
our minds can imagine, and our minds cannot truly know Him. Sinful man can never know Him. He sent His
Word to lead us to Christ. He sent Christ to make atonement for our souls, cleanse us and make a way into the
Holy of holies and He sent the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us. He gave us faith to believe, hope to press
on, and love to communicate intimately with us. We must abide in Christ, and
look beyond the veil.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Fair Winds
Fair winds,
rough seas
For none are
promised a life of ease
Dark clouds,
a nor’east gale
waves, tattered sail
O Lord you
tread the raging sea
Stretch forth
your hand and beckon me
For with a
Word all would be still
The waves
and sea obey Thy will
I cannot see
beyond my hand
I may not
always understand
But this I
know, O King of Kings
You are the
Lord of everything
I find that
in the valley of death
You are my
very life and breath
Fair winds,
rough seas
whichever You please
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Press On
It seems that we are our biggest obstacles to experiencing the "new life" in Christ. I take great comfort that the All Powerful and All Mighty God who spoke the universe into existence, will certainly conquer any obstacle that may reside in us. He who has begun this work in us, will complete it until the coming of His Beloved Son, in whom we are accepted, sealed and kept. Then the life of Christ, who has made His abode within us will break through all the darkness and like the dawn, arise in our hearts. We've been conditioned to interpret reality with our 5 senses, and these have been the masters over our lives. But then, we who were blind, suddenly see. We recognize the truth, as the Spirit of the Living God quickens our soul imparting His life, and then we go through that painstaking process of "renewing our minds".
Thank God for the Word of God. This is the tool that the Spirit uses to retrain our brain. We read it, we correct our thinking, and the Lord Himself brings it to fruition. He has given us eyes to see, a heart to perceive, and a discerning Spirit as we bring all matters to the sifting enlightment of the Holy Spirit. What a glorious experience when the truth of God's Word, breaks into our daily lives and we see a glimpse of the Creator as He passes by. Oh for a pure heart to see God! I thank God for His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, who reveals the Father to us. We may see in part, but each day a greater opportunity to know Him more. Let us repent and set aside all sin, all transgressions and endeavor to walk uprightly. If we do not hunger and thirst for righteousness, let us ask the good Lord to give us that hunger and thirst. Be sure that He desires that we come to the truth. He desires that we be transformed. We need not come to him ashamed of our lack, but only as a child confessing that lack. He does not stir the heart with need, unless it is His intention to fill it. Whatever our struggles, give it to Him. He is faithful in all His dealings with us.
Discouragement is of the devil. We dare not give into it even for a minute. We all must stand against discouragement, and recognize it's source. It is one of the first enemies of Faith and like the foot-soldiers, must be defeated. Let God arise, His enemies be scattered. Find that scripture that speaks to the problem, and claim it for your own. If there is anything the Lord brings to mind that He would like for you to forsake, be obedient. We must first examine ourselves, lest we become disqualified as a rebellious child who refuses to be chastised. He is faithful and just to forgive us of any sin that we have repented of and confessed. The crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ was an enormous price to pay for our sins, and more than enough to cover any that we may have committed and repented of. We don't have the kind of time to play games with God. Trust and obey...that is as an obedient child coming to a loving Father who enjoys providing for His children.
We haven't all had the experience of a loving parent and so it may seem foreign, but the Lord will even heal those injured places. He is near the broken-hearted, and binds up their wounds. Let us go to God with our wounds, and find our healing in Christ. As Christians, we are in a foreign land and have many spiritual enemies...but we are not left as orphans. We must trust Him, obey Him, and study to show ourselves approved to rightly divide the Word of God. We are living in perilous times, but Jesus Christ Himself saw the travail of His soul, and was satisfied. He will have a Bride to return to, and it is His intention that we be among those who overcome. He Who promised, is faithful.
Thank God for the Word of God. This is the tool that the Spirit uses to retrain our brain. We read it, we correct our thinking, and the Lord Himself brings it to fruition. He has given us eyes to see, a heart to perceive, and a discerning Spirit as we bring all matters to the sifting enlightment of the Holy Spirit. What a glorious experience when the truth of God's Word, breaks into our daily lives and we see a glimpse of the Creator as He passes by. Oh for a pure heart to see God! I thank God for His only begotten Son Jesus Christ, who reveals the Father to us. We may see in part, but each day a greater opportunity to know Him more. Let us repent and set aside all sin, all transgressions and endeavor to walk uprightly. If we do not hunger and thirst for righteousness, let us ask the good Lord to give us that hunger and thirst. Be sure that He desires that we come to the truth. He desires that we be transformed. We need not come to him ashamed of our lack, but only as a child confessing that lack. He does not stir the heart with need, unless it is His intention to fill it. Whatever our struggles, give it to Him. He is faithful in all His dealings with us.
Discouragement is of the devil. We dare not give into it even for a minute. We all must stand against discouragement, and recognize it's source. It is one of the first enemies of Faith and like the foot-soldiers, must be defeated. Let God arise, His enemies be scattered. Find that scripture that speaks to the problem, and claim it for your own. If there is anything the Lord brings to mind that He would like for you to forsake, be obedient. We must first examine ourselves, lest we become disqualified as a rebellious child who refuses to be chastised. He is faithful and just to forgive us of any sin that we have repented of and confessed. The crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ was an enormous price to pay for our sins, and more than enough to cover any that we may have committed and repented of. We don't have the kind of time to play games with God. Trust and obey...that is as an obedient child coming to a loving Father who enjoys providing for His children.
We haven't all had the experience of a loving parent and so it may seem foreign, but the Lord will even heal those injured places. He is near the broken-hearted, and binds up their wounds. Let us go to God with our wounds, and find our healing in Christ. As Christians, we are in a foreign land and have many spiritual enemies...but we are not left as orphans. We must trust Him, obey Him, and study to show ourselves approved to rightly divide the Word of God. We are living in perilous times, but Jesus Christ Himself saw the travail of His soul, and was satisfied. He will have a Bride to return to, and it is His intention that we be among those who overcome. He Who promised, is faithful.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Secret Faults and Presumptuous Sins
Who can understand his errors? Cleanse thou me of secret
faults. Keep back thy servant from presumptuous sins. Let these not have
dominion over me, then I shall be upright and I shall be innocent from the
great transgression (Ps.19:12-13)
Secret faults, or “hidden” faults are only hidden to
ourselves. These are the matters that are more of a “heart” nature, rather than
outward deeds. These secret faults are
so ingrained in our corrupted nature that they lay hidden from our eyes, “our
perceptions”, and continue unnoticed for years.
Though they may be hidden, they are influencing us and our perception of
ourselves and others. Our ego justifies
these hidden qualities and as a result, these faults remain in darkness, deep
within us, resisting God and ensnaring us.
Only God can expose them, and when He does, how grieved we
are to discover the depths of corruptions and sin that yet remains unyielded
to God. These faults are most often camouflaged,
and we are skillful to keep them hidden.
Who can understand his errors?
Who among us can see so objectively into our hearts to hand select those
faults, and tease them out from what has been the better part of our
personality? All that is of the flesh,
that is, that which has not yet been circumcised, encrusts our hearts making it
impossible to truly love others, nor fully love God.
If we are honest with ourselves, we find we must admit that
we may love others, but only up to a degree that certainly falls far short of
God’s standard…putting the needs of others above our own, thinking they are
better than ourselves, and can we honestly say we love our enemies? Those who continually do us harm?
It is a fruitless to exercise ourselves to love others in
our own strength, we will only come so far before realizing we’ve not the
stamina to keep it up, and we find our hearts become burdened with resentments
and self-preservation for some people exhaust us. After numerous failures to meet God’s
standards, we discover the impossibilities and throw ourselves at the feet of
Jesus saying “this is impossible with me, but nothing is impossible with You”. Jesus the Christ is the Great Physician and
He is ever willing to address those places in our hearts that obstruct the flow
of His Holy Spirit of love. Not only
this, but to release our hearts from their contracted prison.
No one finds the key to this prison door and the keys to
heaven who have not yet put away known sin.
Often we are quite skillful in engaging in sin and justifying ourselves
in the process. So-called “white-lies”
violate God’s standards as fully as any other lie. Our actions borne of desperation testifies of
our lack of faith and everything that is not of faith, is sin (Rom.14:23). Every sin justified by ourselves has not been
confessed and repented of and as a result, disqualifies us from the blessings
we seek, for we stand at enmity with God whenever we yield to the flesh and
sinful behaviors. Integrity is so vital
in our Christian journey. We must bring
everything to the light of God’s judgment and humble ourselves, being ever
teachable and yielding to the potter’s hand, lest we be found to be dried up
clay, useless to the potter.
We must utterly forsake sin and stop justifying it in
ourselves. Justifying our sinful attitudes and behaviors only damages us and
renders us useless to God and leaves us struggling against darkness. No true Christian should ever feel comfortable
in sin that is knowingly indulged, a true born again believer will sense the
charge of “hypocrite” and have a sense of dread for his outlook knowing how
Jesus felt about hypocrites.
But we have a patient and merciful God who empathizes with
our struggles and is ever willing to help us in our walk and sanctification, so
if when we sin, having been convicted and then repent in response, confessing
our sin to God, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness. Never presume that this is a license to sin,
for being a hypocrite puts a person in a whole different class of people. Let us examine ourselves and invite God to
expose to us those sins we have long embraced if we are to be fully surrendered
to God.
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